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The Taste
The Specialty
The delectable lemonade- Soda Shikanji has a peculiar taste as it is spiced up with some black salt and cumin powder.The Taste
The delicious Soda Shikanji prepared using ingredients- lemon Sharbat (concentrate), soda water (carbonated water) seasoned with a lot of spices, like- carom, cumin, black salt, dried ginger (Sonth), nutmeg, mace, rock salt, baking soda and dried mint leaves is a sweet, tangy and spicy cold beverage ideal to fight the heat of summers. The taste is available from 09:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.What is Sharbat / Squash & Cold Drinks
Dil Bahar Soda Shikanji No. 9 Patrol Pump, Nasirabad Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone
09:00 AM - 11:00 PM
+- All Day : 09:00 AM - 11:00 PM
About Shop
This roadside stall Dil Bahar Soda Shikanji is a renowned joint in the town to serve delicious Soda Shikanji to its customers.
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